Created in 1980 by the NIPPON ANIMATION studio and directed by Hiroshi Saito, this animated series, which was the highlight of the show “Récré A2”, is inspired by the great classic of American literature to develop children’s stories, each more thrilling than the last.
The Becky Tatcher figurine joins the gallery of characters from the Tom Sawyer universe. The collection will continue to grow over the coming months.
- Digital Sculpture: Yann Berthonneau
- Packaging: Romain Diguet
- Artistic Direction: Arnaud Tanguy
- Photos: Nicolas Willmann
- Year of publication: 2024
- Author(s): Hiroshi Saito, Shuichi Seki
- Limited edition: 200 copies
- Numbered: Yes
- Height : 21 cm
- Width : 10.8 cm
- Depth : 9.5 cm
- Matter : resin, PU
- EAN: 3770017509403
- Categories: LMZ Collectibles , Tom Sawyer
- Theme : Tom Sawyer
- Universe: Statuettes
- Collection : ANIMATED!
- Product Type: Resin statuettes
- Brand : LMZ Collectibles
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