The Walt Disney Animation Studios, which was founded in October 1923 will soon celebrate Disney’s 100 Years of Wonder. A huge milestone, Disney has for decades released animated classics, starting with its very first feature film all the way back in 1937. Since then the studio has become a benchmark in the industry, releasing over 60 feature-length animations.
In celebration of this centennial milestone, Beast Kingdom is releasing a selection of D-Stage, ‘Staging Your Dreams’ figurines bringing to life some of the most celebrated characters in animated history.
Combining famous scenes, with postage stamps, the new Disney D-Stage collection is ready to be sent straight to the hearts of all collectors!
Using the stamp design as the outer frame, the three-dimensional scenes are recreated with vivid colors. Each figurine stands at 12cm in height, and also includes a dedicated movie name plaque.
Join Beast Kingdom’s ‘Entertainment Experience Brand’ and celebrate Disney’s 100 Years of Wonder of magic from the wonderful world!
Bambi: Bambi and Flower meet once again amongst the lush deep forest!
Lady And The Tramp: Lady and the Tramp are having their famous romantic dinner under a candlelit night!
Peter Pan: Peter Pan vs Hook. The battle of good and evil! Who will become victorious?
Finding Nemo: Little Nemo and Dory are off a journey of a lifetime. Let’s join them for some aquatic fun!
SKU | DS-135 |
UPC | 4711203453932 |
Packaging | open window color box |
Product Material | ABS, PVC |
Product Measurements | Approx. 15*10*10 cm |
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